Contact our customer service representatives for assistance locating our products on-line, in-store or to request genuine Mr. LongArm replacement parts. You may also use this form to get help with accessibility or to communicate a privacy issue. Call 1-800-821-3508 or use the contact form below:
Mr. LongArm Headquarters
Regular Business Hours: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. CST Mon.-Fri.
400 Walnut, Greenwood, MO 64034-0377
P: 816-537-6777 or 1-800-821-3508 F: 816-537-6162
P: 816-537-6777 or 1-800-821-3508 F: 816-537-6162
Mr. LongArm Distribution Center
Regular Business Hours: 7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. CST Mon.-Fri.
804 Enterprise Road, Butler, MO 64730
P: 660-679-9032 F: 660-679-3765
P: 660-679-9032 F: 660-679-3765