Product Details

Item Description Size UPC (Search)
0731 Lambs Wool Duster Combo 12 in / 30 cm – 3.3 ft-6.1 ft / 1.0 m-1.9 m 039932007313

*Sizes reflect the industry standard for extension pole lengths. For the most accurate measurement see Size in the chart above.

Regular Pack Quantity 6.

Extension Pole for Dusting Hard-to-Reach Areas

Dust build-up on walls, furniture, ceiling fans and other alcoves is a common issue faced by homeowners and business owners alike. Luckily, Mr. LongArm has an extension pole for dusting these pesky areas. We have combined it with our lambs wool dusting attachment to create the ultimate pole duster.

Twist-Lok Steel is the perfect Extension Pole for Dusting

Our 3 – 6ft. Twist-Lok Steel pole included in this combo works great in combination with our lambs wool duster. Long enough to extend the users overall reach up to 14 ft. yet short enough to be easily stored and used in tight spaces. The Twist-Lok Steel is also light weight and easy to hold for long periods of time. The internal locking system allows the user to lock the pole duster at any length with a simple twist.

Lambs Wool Attachment for Easier High-Reach Dusting

Many of our competitors utilize some type if microfiber dusting attachment designed to mimic natural wool fibers. But, it is impossible to truly duplicate lambswool fibers, they are too complex and natural to be duplicated in a factory. Why do they try to mimic wool fibers? Because wool is the gold standard when it comes to dusting. Wool combines natural lanolin and microscopic overlapping scales that naturally trap and hold dust particles. Our LambsWool duster takes advantage of these natural fibers and attaches to our Twist-Lok Steel to make it the most effective combo on the market and ultimate extension pole for dusting.

Great for Dusting Ceiling Fans and More

Our Lambs Wool Duster bends and flexes to make it easier to dust different types of surfaces. We understand one of the most difficult and common areas that need dusting are ceiling fans. With that being said, our lambs wool dusting attachment bends perfectly to conform to fan blades or other awkwardly shaped surfaces. Also, our lambs wool duster is incredibly durable thanks to the elastic and resilient fibers that compose the wool. Finally, the lambs wool fibers, while durable, will also not leave any scratches and can dust the most delicate of surfaces.

Environmentally Friendly Dusting Solution

The lambs wool duster outlasts other dusters and cleans up easily with mild soap and water.

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